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After sitting at a desk job for several years, I decided to see what other job options would give me a flexible schedule and a more enjoyable work environment. I have now been trimming and shoeing horses for 15 years.  


As a dressage and trail rider, I had the horse experience under my belt. I was excited when the opportunity to attend farrier school presented itself.  I hit the road for California and told my hubby to take good care of my ponies! After returning from school, I apprenticed with a local farrier while building my business, and continue to  mentor with other farriers for ongoing education.​


Continuing education in farriery, and other areas of the horse industry is of the utmost importance. I completed my Certified Farrier Certification through the American Farriers Association (a detailed 3-part exam) and obtain a minimum of 24 hours of continuing education every year to ensure that I can provide exceptional hoof care and handling of your horse as we work together to achieve your goals. I surround myself with other farriers from all over the country as there is always something to be learned.  If I don't have the answer, I know where to find it! I love the outdoor work environment here in the and the opportunity to improve a horse's quality of life through quality hoofcare.

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* Graduated from Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School Plymouth, CA 2010

* American Farriers Association Certified Farrier 

* Accredited Professional Farrier/Member of the American Association of Professional Farriers (AAPF)    

       (24 Continuing education credits are required each year to maintain accredidation)

* Board Member for Farriers Association of Washington State (FAWS)
* Mentor for local farriers

* Maintains mentorship relationships and continued education 
* Community Educator

* Glue-On/Composite Shoeing and Distortions clinic certificate 


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